1907-May-12 - A meeting was held at the Industrial School House on Allen Street.
- A group of baptisted believers met and decided to organize a Baptist Church. The baptized believers were Charles E. DeVaughn, Martha A. DeVaughn, Arley C. Robey and Ella Henderson
1907-May-13 - A meeting was held to call a pastor, name the church and receive persons for membership by baptism and by letter.
- Believers in attendance were: Charles E. DeVaughn, Martha A. DeVaughn, Arley C. Robey, Ella Henderson, Brother B.H. Jeffrys, Rev. W.J. Newlon, Brother E.R. Moore and Brother M.M. Luzzader, a member of another Baptist Church.
- Rev. Newlon served as elected moderator and Brother E.R. Moore as clerk pro tem.
- Brother Charles E. DeVaughn was elected to serve as the first deacon.
- Mrs. Ella Henderson was elected to serve as the first church clerk.
- The church was named The Industrial Baptist Church.
- Brother B.H. Jeffrys was called to supply the pulpit as our first pastor.
- Friend Cline, Fred W. Fessler, Blanch Henderson, Lillian Knight and Sarah Matz were accepted into the church pending baptism.
1907 - May - Roy Nutter, May Nutter, Pearl Nutter, Raymond Wolfe and Sarah Morton presented themselves as candidates for baptism and full fellowship after baptism.
1907-May-27 - A business meeting was held to discuss the advisability of electing a Building Committee to look into the possibility of erecting a church building.
1907-July-14 - The church requested admittance into the Union Association.
1907-July-15 - A Council of Baptist Churches met to organize and to be accepted into the Union Association as a regular Independent Missionary Baptist Church.
- Our Church was the first denomination to have a church in this part of the city.
1907-July - The lot on which the church was built was purchased and was considered quite valuable at a $1000. The church house materials were purchased costing at least $2000.
1907-November-28  - The cornerstone was laid for the new church building with 110 people attending. A Bible, the Church Covenant, Articles of Faith and the names of members and names of those attending were sealed in the cornerstone.
1907 - The church membership increased from 22 to 36
1909-June-20 - The new church building was completed and dedicated.
Pews were purchased and two gas stoves to provide heat.
1910 - The ladies of the church organized the Ladies Auxiliary continuing their services for 66 years.
1912 - The church acquired a pump organ.
1913-May - Mr. E.R. Coffman built the pulpit at a cost of $7.25 for the materials.
- The church built a boardwalk from Broadway Avenue to the building.
1913-August - Rev. B.H. Jeffrys resigned as pastor.
- Brother J.W. Kirby was called.
1914-1933 - Church Records for this time period were destroyed by fire in the home of one of our former church clerks.
The church changed its' name to the East Clarksburg Baptist Church during this period. (information was obtained from the Office of the Baptist Convention)
1918 - The Baptist Young Peoples Union (BYPU) was organized. Mrs. Bessie Bevan was president and Mrs. Marie Whitney was secretary.
- Other presidents included Margaret Lewis Root, Mrs. Blonda Love and Mrs. Helen Lewis Heres.
1935 - The Church left the Union Association.
1936 - The Church was united with the Broad Run Association.
- The rear building, known as the Social Hall, was built complete with a kitchen.
- A committee was formed to revise the Constitution and was later accepted.
- The committee consisted of the following members: Mrs. Fred Robinson, Mrs. Fred V. Whitney, Mr. William Pferdehirt, Mr. W.R. Ayers, Sr. and Mrs. Ida Cleavenger.
- The Pulpit Bible was presented by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whitney
1938 - Fowler Avenue was paved and the church paid its' share.
1940 - East Main Street was paved and again the church paid its' share.
1943 - The church shared our pastor with Wilsonburg and Marshville Baptist Churches.
1944 - A very successful two-week revival was held with Rev. Whitner
1944-November - The gas bill was 50¢ and the electric bill was $1.
1944-December - The church started collecting Christmas baskets for the needy.
1945 - The Young Adult Class purchased the picture in our sanctuary of the "Head of Christ" by Salman
1947 - A floor furnace was installed.
1948 - A new bulletin board, built by Brother Carl Lawson, was placed on the church lawn.
- A bulletin board was purchased and placed in the vestibule.
- Our first Hammond organ was purchased by the Young Adult Class(FaHoLa Class).
1950-September - A committee was elected to serve with the Trustees to be known as the "Planning Board" to work on plans for a basement.
1951 - The basement of the church was completed.
1952 - Our church changed from the Broad Run Association back to the Union Association.
1956 - The final mortgage payment on the basement loan was paid off and a Mortgage Burning Service was held.
1958-January-31 - The ladies of the church met and organized a Mission Society and became affiliated with the American Baptist Women's Association.
- Mrs. M.M. Malcolm, who organized the society, was elected our first president. They honored the oldest living member by naming the society, "The Ida Cleavenger Mission Society."
- The society is now known as the American Baptist Women Ministries (ABWM)
1958 - The Social Hall was renovated into classrooms, a baptistry and Pastor's Office.
1958-November-2 - A Dedication Service was held for the baptistry, classrooms, and Pastor's Office.
1960 - The lettering "In Remembrance Of Me" was added to our communion table, which was built by Brother Carl Lawson some years before.
- The lettering was purchased by the Junior Class and placed on the table by Brother Troy Sullivan.
- The Junior Class also purchased the picture of "Christ Knocking at the Door" by Salman for our sanctuary.
- It was unveiled by three members of the Junior Class: Ernest Sturm, Jimmy Bragg and Vada Hickman.
1960-June - Our Constitution was revised, approved and adopted.
Serving on the committee was Mr. Clyde Maxwell (Chairman), Mrs. M.M. Malcolm, Mr. Ira Peterson, Mrs. A.M. Heres, Mrs. Edwin Robinson, Mrs. Walter L. Crites and Rev. M.M. Malcolm.
1961-September - The roof and gable at the rear of the building was repaired.
1962-April - The mortgage on the baptistry and classrooms was paid off.
1962-Summer - Volunteers from the church painted the outside of the church.
- A memorial gift of lamps for the pulpit and organ and the offering plates were presented in memory of Mardella Yeager Hornick by her husband, William Hornick.
1962-September-16 - A Note Burning Service was held for the baptistry and classrooms.
1964-March - Mr. Singleton of Bridgeport, West Virginia painted the church sanctuary. Afterward, a work crew of church members refinished the church pews, sanded and refinished our floor and changed the woodwork to a light finish.
1965 - Our church joined with the Lumberport Baptist Church and shared a yoke pastor, Rev. John Gillespie.
1966-April - The men from both church met to organize a Men's Fellowship. It was voted to call this organization the Lumberport-East Clarksburg Baptist Church Men's Fellowship.
1966-October - Repairs to put a new foundation under the back of the church was completed by the men of the church.
1967-July - A new roof was put on the baptistry and a vent in the foundation under the Sunday School rooms.
1970 - New carpet was purchased and a new roof was installed on our classrooms, along with many other needed repairs.
- The FaHoLa Class purchased the candleholders on our communion table and Ms. Majel Cleavenger purchased our first cross in memory of her father, Mr. Ira Cleavenger.
- Mrs. Walter L. Crites and Mrs. James Turner purchased the cross, presently on the communion table, in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Sullivan
1977 - The yoke with the Lumberport Baptist Church was dissolved.
1978 - The church modernized the kitchen, and purchased new tables and chairs for the basement.
- New storm windows were installed into the church building.
- The Inter-Com sound system was purchased.
- A new Wurlitzer organ was given by Mrs. Jane E. Bragg & family and dedicated in memory of Mr. John L. Bragg, one of our former deacons.
- The FaHoLa Class presented our Communion Service.
- The church called our first Bi-Vocational minister, Rev. Richard McDonald.
- A movie projector was purchased to show Christian films.
- Stained glass windows were purchased, with some of the windows purchased by family members and dedicated in memory of their loved ones.
- Mr. Thomas Mathews of Hepzibah, WV, gave the flowerpots on the front steps to us.
1981 - The church was painted both inside and out and the pews were - refinished.
- Two new Sunday School classes were formed: a Kindergarten Class and Young Adult Class.
1982 - A new cement sidewalk was installed on the Fowler Avenue side of the church.
1983 - An AB Dick copier was purchased to do bulletins and other church material.
- A new roof was put on the baptistry.
1984 - Two pulpit chairs were re-upholstered.
- A new roof was put on the Sunday School rooms.
- A new side door and walkway to make a more accessible handicap entrance was installed.
- Mrs. Wilma Moodispaugh, a long-time member, gave two ceiling fans for the sanctuary.
1985 - An awning was put over the front door and a new humidifier was purchased.
1986 - Mrs. Opal Rule, a long-time member, donated a quilt made many years ago by the ladies of this church. It was hung up in the FaHoLa Sunday School room.
The slate roof was replaced with a new roof.
1987 - A piano was purchased in the memory of Mrs. LuLu Lynn, a long-time member.
According to her wishes, our church inherited the home of Mrs. Lynn at 211 Fowler Avenue. It was to be used as a parsonage. The house was later sold.
1987-March - The pew cushions were added, along with covers for the choir chairs.
1987-May - Eightieth Anniversary of East Clarksburg Baptist Church.
- The slate from the old roof was used as an anniversary souvenir. Walter & Velma Crites attached pictures of the church, taken by Ernest Sturm, to the slate.
1987-September - Ceiling fans were added to each Sunday School room.
1989-October - A new basement door was installed.
1991-March - The church was re-wired.
- The Sanctuary and the Sunday School rooms received new carpeting.
1991-April - The Church Council was formed. This group consists of a chairman from each church board and a member at large. Its' function is as the voice for church members and to make plans for programs and other church activities.
- The wooden cross in the baptistry was received as a gift from Don & Libby Smith in memory of her parents, Cecil & Lois Lynch.
1991-September - Vinyl siding was added, along with guttering and down spouts.
1992 - A committee was formed to revise the Constitution and was later approved and adopted.
- The committee consisted of the following members: Jack Whitney (Chairman), Margaret Hickman, Vada Hickman and Iris Wickenhofer.
1992-October - New front doors were installed. A monetary gift was received from Mrs. Frances Rayl to be used to purchase the doors.
1992-November - Our church, along with the East View United Methodist Church and the Hammond United Methodist Church decided to once again combine efforts for Thanksgiving Eve Services. One church would provide the building, one church would provide the music and the other church would provide the message. Since then, the roster of churches involved for these services has expanded.
1993-June - The need for a church parking lot was brought up for discussion.
1995-January - A meeting was held to discuss plans for a young adult group. The GET-IT Group was formed. The group was meant as a graduation of sorts from the Baptist Youth Fellowship (BYF). Members attending the meeting were: Rusty Bragg, Brian & Brent Rader and Pastor Jack & Kathy Snoderly.
1995-July - The Church's first telephone was installed in the Pastor's Study.
1995-August - The parking lot was completed after long negotiations and hard work.
1995-December - The stairwell to the basement was renovated and enclosed for fire safety.
- The ladies restroom was renovated into a handicap restroom.
- New tables were added in the basement.
1995 - New Pew Bibles and Hymn Books were purchased in memory of long-time members. Jack's Friendly Furniture presented the Bibles in memory of Andrew Sturm and Hazel Hooton purchased the Hymnals in memory of Charles Hooton. The special musician's Hymn Books were placed in memory of Isabel Robinson, a long-time member and Choir Director.
1996-November - A new Bulletin Board was purchased and installed with a financial contribution from Mrs. Nelda Jones, a former member
1997-March - Another telephone as installed downstairs in the kitchen
The nursery was paneled.
1998 - The GET-IT Group was disbanded.
- The kitchen was refurbished. Part of the money for this project was applied from a memorial to Judy Shaughnessy, a long-time member.
- The church installed a new furnace with Central Air Conditioning. This was a gift given to the church from Mr. & Mrs. Rick Colvin.
2000 - March - New lighting was installed in the basement.
2001-March - A new piano was purchased.
2001-Fall - The church purchased the house and property on the corner diagonal to the church. The house has since been demolished and grass planted.
2001-October - Talk about building the church a web site was discussed.
2002-March - The steeple was repaired.
2002-Spring - The church purchased a new copier
2002-Winter - The church purchased a van.
2003-February - A new table was purchased for the back of the church. The table is used for Bulletins, Secret Place magazines, and other literature,
2003-September - An awning and doorbell were installed at the back door of the church. The "227" numbers were added to the back door. A mailbox was added for the East Main Street address and installed by the door to the basement.
2003-Fall - The remodeling and refurbishing of the nursery began. A Noah's Arch theme mural was painted by Florinda C (Heres) Britton and Jessica L Britton. New shelves added.
2004 - Spring - The remodeling and refurbishing of the nursery was completed
2004-Fall - A new copier was purchased.
2005-Spring - The church's website was completed. Rusty Bragg, a long time member, put the site together. The church's cyber home contained church information, Christian links and the weekly church services including the pastor's sermon.
2005-August - The web site's address was changed to www.ecbc1907.org and 500 Megabytes of Internet space was added.
2005-June - The baptistry was refurbished.
2005-August - Pastor Don Fowler and the men of the church decided to re-establish the American Baptist Men (ABM) as a group. One of their first acts was to refurbish and stain the front doors and repaint all of the other doors leading to the church.
2006-Spring - New choir chairs were purchased.
2006-Fall - Cracks in the walls and ceiling of the Sanctuary were fixed and painted.
- A new tile floor was purchased and installed in the basement.
New pews were purchased.
2006-November - The American Baptist Women (ABWM) bought a new stove for the kitchen.
2007-March - The Constitution was revised, approved and adopted. Serving on the committee were the following members: John Bragg (Chairman), Mercedez Beavers, Jane Bragg, Vada Hickman, Joan Hollandsworth, Peggy Snyder and Pastor Frank Taylor.
2007-April - New carpeting for the sanctuary and Sunday School rooms and new tile for the vestibule was installed.
- The pews, which were purchased during the fall of 2006, were installed after the carpeting was laid. Members were given the chance to purchase a pew and have it dedicated in memory of their loved ones.
- The old pews were given in love to Cutlip's Baptist Church in Exchange, WV.
2007-May-12 - East Clarksburg Baptist Church's 100th year of serving the Lord.
The church put together a "Centennial Celebration". The 12th was set as a day of "Homecoming" as we invited former pastors and their wives, old friends and former members to come HOME!
2007-May-13 - The "Centennial Celebration" Two-Day event concluded with Morning Worship and the observance of Mothers Day.
Copyright © 2010, East Clarksburg Baptist Church, Clarksburg, West Virginia.